Obj Traded to Cleveland

Last night the sports world was shocked as an already crazy free agency took an unexpected turn. Giants star wide reciver was traded to the Cleveland Browns for a 1st round, 3rd round pick, and safety Jabrill Peppers. In doing so, it seems the Giants have entered a rebuilding phase around star rookie running back Saquon Barkley. On the other hand, the Browns have emerged as a clear contender in the AFC. Maybe for football fans LeBron leaving Cleveland has opened up the floodgates for a future dynasty of the Cleveland Browns.

Salad Fingers, the Uncanny Valley, and Momo

These three things would only be found in our century. Never in the past would people be afraid of an online character reeking havoc among the younger generations. Since the younger generation so hooked on social media and technology this leads them to view these strange things that are found on the internet. Apparently, these things have a message which leads to sducidal thoughts. If you’re a kid go outside more it is a simple fix to this epidemic. the less time you spend looking at a screen the less chance you have of running into Momo.

What makes something go viral?

In our society today, many things go viral for various reason. Usually something will go viral based on its appearance or, aesthetic. Basically if something looks good to a large amount of people it will be reposted and sent to many people through social media. Once this happens billions of people begin to view the video, picture, song because there is something about it that people like.

Listen, Little Man! Response

Only you yourself can be your liberator!”  ( Wilhelm Reich)

This quote is a very important one. In life people are always looking for someone to do things for them. All people wish that all things in life are easy. In the story Listen, Little Man! the author explains how all people in some part of their lives are “little”. This could mean many things such as they aren’t wealthy or powerful. The morale of this story is that in order to gain that power you have to believe in yourself and become a better person by yourself because at the end of the day, you are all you have. If you are not happy with yourself then you can never help others become happy.

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